Saturday, February 12, 2011

Friday Feb.11

Thursday night Marge and I decided to go to the Yuma Palms shopping mall to hear some live jazz. Now, Gary and I had been there earlier in the day to get some earrings to replace the ones I had put in last fall. We discovered an outdoor mall - patio stone type streets, beautiful shops and classical music being piped from speakers on the sidewalk. Beautiful! Anyway, I saw an ad for the live jazz which would be on the grassy area just in front of the theater. So down we went. A wonderful couple sang - beautiful voices and melodious saxaphone. Sitting in the open air with just a light jacket, enjoying a glass of wine and listening to soothing music - how much better could it get?
Friday Gary and I hopped in with Marge and Jim for a bit of adventure. We did a bit of shopping, then Jim took us to the local branch of the Elks for lunch. We then drove south so we were within 12 miles of the Mexican border. None of us were interested in going over the border, so we turned back and explored the older flea market in this area. Not nearly as large or impressive as the one we were at last weekend.
A dip in the pool and some sunbathing back at the resort were in order at the end of the afternoon.

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